Saturday, January 30, 2010


Gigi justTOO sweet,we watchd end of Miss America pageant,was tellin her bout 1girl frm evry state(try2explain2her)she said,mommy u could win! Aw,shes delusional

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Watching FOOD, INC- a documentary about what is really in our food. So far, its very intresting. I would recommend this movie, its stuff ppl really SHOULD know!

the submariners wifes life

I talkd2the ombudsman 4noahs sub for 30min, cried my heart out, obv2no avail. Noah said that he got told when he arrived back frm lunch not 2 let me talk him n2 "doin anything stupid" is that all she got from our conversation? :o ty for the help. Im sure they're really goin2b willing to let him off the sub now. Some1 needs2raise awareness that this is a problem-if it has2b me, then so b it. They shouldn't tell the submariners they will be allowed 2b present for the birth of their 1st child, n then tell noah when time comes. "Ur wife has our support groups. She should understand the lifestyle." If some1 needs2kick up dust-then let it b me. I'm not afraid of any1-this is my family. My family is much more important. How can they say no, without even trying2find a replacement4him from some other sub that will b n off crew? It shouldn't b "silently tolerated" I have a voice, I will use it. How many women for how many years have suffered this b4 me? I have already had a child by myself ty. Just bc other women have tolerated it, I'm supposed to? Its BC other women have tolerated it that I shouldn't have to. This is 2010-not 1900-were talking about a 3mo deployment- that's it. re-enlistment might b easier if they cared about the sailors. Seems to me, they don't. I know we'd be willing to pay up to 600$ to have some1 take his spot. If he had some help finding that some1-itd b easier. If they can't find some1 to take his spot, then they should pull the weight for him. So he can b w us. U can redo xmas n birthdays. I can't re-push a child out. Its supposed 2b a "tight knit" community, doesn't seem very much like it to me, when some1 is in need, do u turn ur back, or help? Especially if I am the only pregnant wife whose baby should be delivered DURING this deployment. If noah were to fall ill, would the sub just not go out? NO! They'd go w out him. As they should this time. Their should b exceptions made for pregnancy. Its not something any1 woman should have2endure alone, bc of military, talk about how ppl respect the military service members? By god! PROVE IT!
if something happes and his is et off. then great lovely. i couldnt ask for more ill print these words and literally EAT them. but we all know it isnt goin2happen.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sheep Gives Birth to Human-Faced Lamb in Turkey

A sheep gave birth to a dead lamb with a human-like face. The calf was born in a village not far from the city of Izmir, Turkey.

Erhan Elibol, a vet, performed Cesarean section on the animal to take the calf out, but was horrified to see that the features of the calf’s snout bore a striking resemblance to a human face.
“I’ve seen mutations with cows and sheep before. I’ve seen a one-eyed calf, a two-headed calf, a five-legged calf. But when I saw this youngster I could not believe my eyes. His mother could not deliver him so I had to help the animal,” the 29-year-old veterinary said.

The lamb’s head had human features on – the eyes, the nose and the mouth – only the ears were those of a sheep.Veterinaries said that the rare mutation most likely occurred as a result of improper nutrition since the fodder for the lamb’s mother was abundant with vitamin A, reports.

In Zimbabwe, a goat gave birth to a similar youngster in September 2009. The mutant baby born with a human-like head stayed alive for several hours until the frightened village residents killed him.

The governor of the province where the ugly goat was born said that the little goat was the fruit of unnatural relationship between the female goat and a man.

"This incident is very shocking. It is my first time to see such an evil thing. It is really embarrassing," he reportedly said. "The head belongs to a man while the body is that of a goat. This is evident that an adult human being was responsible. Evil powers caused this person to lose self control. We often hear cases of human beings who commit bestiality but this is the first time for such an act to produce a product with human features," he added.

The mutant creature was hairless. Local residents said that even dogs were afraid to approach the bizarre animal.The locals burnt the body of the little goat, and biologists had no chance to study the rare mutation.


look how much $ ive made on surveyhead! ive been a member for a yr and a half. and i take surveys occasionally.
i have cashed out like 4 or 5 times for cash, amazon gift cards, ect ect.

cuz ima pothole

idk y but i nvr get on here anymore- could i b bc im uber lazy now?im literally reeking of boredom. if it had a smell it would smell delicious., maybe butterfly flower by bath and body works. or maybe tommy girl, happy by clinique or even just me, by miss paris hilton. yea i smell like whore, but boredom does too! ;) lol- hahah
idk what i came here to write about. i really have not too much to say. o yes, i did find out my due date is june 1st but i will b 40 weeks on june 2nd? weird.
ill tell u why this is weird.
wird bc the new babys bday would b
june 2
gigis bday is july 2
& then u guessed it my bday is august 2

then haha funnily noahs is sept 20
yeah he missed it by 18 days
but it still has a 2! lol

k thats about it
ill leave you with the funniest bit of commercial hilariousness ive found recently

: "oh no! your tire's all flat 'n' junk! oh no, did i do that to you? i'm sorry! let me get out my cellular phone, call your record, oh shoot... i got no phone! cause...

IMA POTHOLE! ..... hmmm.....kkkkkkkk..............BYE!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Amazing Sandcastles

We are sure we all remember with fondness the days of our youth filling little colored buckets with sand to build sandcastles – until our big brothers (or the school bullies) came along and destroyed them! What fun. Some people were fortunate enough to not have their castles ruined and with all the practice eventually developed a great artistic skill using sand as their medium. This is the top 20 amazing sandcastles!
 (Credit : Listverse.Com)

Click to See Enlarge

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