Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Woman found carrying brainless foetus

A Chilean woman, who is 36 weeks pregnant, has been found to carry a foetus which has no brain. After learning about her baby's condition, Claudia Pizarro, who also suffers from cancer of the uterus, has appealed to a court to let her undergo a therapeutic abortion.

Pizarro presented an appeal for protection of her constitutional rights on grounds that her foetus, which in any case will not be able to live outside the womb, keeps her from having her illness treated.

"I'm not asking that they kill my child. My daughter will die at birth. I'm pleading for my life so I can seek treatment as soon as possible," the woman said.

Pizarro has an 11-year-old son. If the court accepts the appeal, Claudia intends to donate the baby's organs "to help other children who do have a chance to live", she said.

Chile is one of the few countries in the world that ban therapeutic abortion, but two bills are now before parliament seeking to decriminalise the procedure. Link

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The World's Smallest Solar Powered Movie Theater

Sol Cinema is the smallest solar powered cinema in the world. It works on solar energy and only 8 adults can fit inside it. Movies are shown on a LED projector.
The UK-based Sol Cinema is 100% powered by the Sun. They say:

"The U.K. isn't famous for sunny days, yet we still manage to run our entire cinema, including video projectors, sound systems, laptops, hard drives and lights from the energy of the sun via solar panels. This means we have no utility bill each year and can perform anywhere at anytime."

The film projector they use is powered by four large lithium-ion batteries that are charged by two 120W solar panels. Sol Cinema refrains from showing anything that glorifies violence or is "too mainstream". They tell customers to think more "Michael Moore rather than Demi Moore".

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Credit: thesolcinema

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Amazing Russian Wooden Gadgets

These days when people going to be more green such devices gain popularity. Russian author of wooden mice writes: “Wood, as the cover material for everyday appliances is almost not used nowadays. Plastics are cheaper, easier to produce, faster – they suit well for mass production. Real wood is still can be found from exclusive furniture producers (regular furniture is made from plywood or laminated sheets). Saw wood industry is also mainly oriented for the construction works, thus the wooden material is available on market is of worse quality. Technologies of producing beautiful things from wood suffered greatly. They are almost, not almost, just forgotten. Just some time ago people could make from wood the things that look like a miracle for a modern person. For example those Russian wooden clocks of the 19th century.

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Saturday, December 4, 2010

Australian Man Marries His Dog

Joseph Guiso has surprised his family and friends when he decided to tie the knot with his best friend, a 5-year-old labrador retriever.

The young Australian, from Toowoomba, describes himself as a “religious guy” and says he could no longer stand to live with his four-legged mate outside of wedlock. The couple decided to go through with the wedding while they were walking by one of the city parks. Joe saw another couple getting married and told his lab Honey “that could be us”. Since she didn’t say anything, her owner took it as a “yes” so he made arrangements to have their own wedding right there in Laurel Bank Park.

Thirty of the couple’s 30 friends were present at the emotional event, and of them even played the role of priest. After reading his touching vow (“You’re my best friend and you make every part of my day better”), Joseph Guiso sealed the deal with a kiss right on Honey’s wet snout. Now that’s puppy love for ya!

Guiso also assured onlookers that “it’s not sexual. It’s just pure love.”

After a German dude married his pet cat, a few months ago, something like this was to be expected.via The Chronicle