Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Hot Coffee On A Cold Winter's Day

Hot Coffee On A Cold Winter's Day
Guest Post by Von Battle
My internet at home went out for the third time this week. I guess it can't take the cold weather. Thankfully, my car can, so it was time to pick up my laptop, set the home security system on the chance that burglars work better in snow than my internet does, and set for the local coffee shop.
I can't remember a time before coffee places didn't have free wireless internet, and I'm glad of it. I've actually thought about turning off my internet at home and just going to the coffee shop when I need to work, but I figured out that it would! be more expensive in the long run, since my addiction to mocha cappuccinos would soon cost more than the internet bill. Even though I can check email or surf the Web at home anytime, there is still something about the atmosphere of the cafe that makes me want to bring the computer with me when I go. Maybe it's fact that there are fewer distractions and I can get more work done.
I even find myself craving coffee when I'm just using my computer at home, even if I'm not using the Web. I'm sure it's something psychological, but more than once I've not been able to complete a task without packing up and driving for off for a cup.

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