Sunday, October 9, 2011

#win Sibu Beauty US/CAN 10/28 Rafflecopter giveaway! arv 47$ ***CLOSED!!!***


SIBU Beauty says its super food for your skin. I was skeptical at first but I'm now a believer! It says it is whole food.
 Sibu Beauty products are made with an ingredient I had never heard of before;  Himalayan sea buckthorn berry. 

What will you win on this giveaway? 
The exact same kit they sent me!
2 Sibu Beauty products:
The Facial Bar and the Hydrating Serum.
ARV 47$!

First lets touch on why their product is awesome, and what I wish I had been sent!

This product is awesome beacuse of many things, one I appreciated most was that Sibu Beauty products are 100% natural. They contain no dairy, wheat, gluten, sodium, yeast or preservatives They are also are free of any and all preservatives. They are also Paraben-FREE and Cruelty-FREE and support sustainability & fair trade

I love that they have these supplements. I love supplements and vitamins as most of you know! I spent hours reading about theirs and now I really want them! :) I think that would've been a much better product for me, personally to review. If only I had been asked. 

Lets talk about what I liked and the one thing I didn't.
When a company sends me a free product I really dislike having to say I didn't care for it. I am obligated to say my opinion. As much as I do not want to, that is the point of a review blog. To state your honest-to-blog opinion. But keep in mind, everyone's opinion is not always the same. I might like tomatoes and you might dislike them. Plus, it's not that I don't like it per se`. I love the soap, I just do not appreciate the look and the scent. It smells very citrus pine-y in my opinion. It left my skin feeling slightly dry, which actually- turned out to be a good thing. However as strange smelling/looking as it is, it seems like it really helped clear up some of my pimples I get on my shoulders and back and chest. So I will most definitely continue to use it. The bar is slightly brown/orange/clear with little specks of the sea buckthorn in it. I don't much care for the scent like I said. It is very pine woodsy smelliness with after notes of lemon. 

What I really liked, and also seems to be making a great deal of difference to my facial skin redness, oiliness, and blackheads and pimples is this facial serum they sent. I really like it. I have used it everyday, and I even use it before I put my makeup on, and as a primer for my powder, instead of liquid foundation. It seems to be clearing me up a lot! As I round up to almost 30.. (SHHH!) I have found that I need to start being more proactive about my skin heath. Aging, kids and military life is taking it's toll on my skins over all glow and health. I like that this product seems to be helping out.
Thanks Sibu beauty, seriously. Your products have made an amazing difference on my skins texture and oiliness. 

Sibu Beauty makes MANY other products, here are a few of them:

  • Cleanse & Detox Sea Buckthorn Facial Soap - Awaken your skin in the morning or wash away a day of stress and pollutants with pure, simple, clean and powerful Sibu Beauty sea buckthorn facial soap. Lathers thick and rinses with ease to cleanse, detox and moisturize, and repair the skin while creating a protective barrier against UV rays and cell damaging free radicals.
  • Repair & Protect Sea Buckthorn Facial Cream - Our sea buckthorn facial cream, with omega 7 fatty acids, helps boost collagen production and creates the perfect barrier to moisturize, rejuvenate, repair and protect. This light, non-greasy cream is ideal for daily use and offers a pleasing, light citrus scent. It is paraben-free and cruelty-free, and contains NO dairy, yeast, wheat, gluten, sodium or preservatives.
  • Cellular Support Sea Buckthorn Oil Gel Caps - True beauty begins on the inside. So we’ve created a softgel supplement to nourish and protect the body plus promote healthy hair, skin and nails from the inside out. This dietary supplement is made from a proprietary blend of sea buckthorn fruit and seed oil. It contains no dairy, wheat, gluten, sodium, yeast or preservatives.
The New Miracle Berry, Pt 1. <-- Watch that!

About Sibu Beauty:
Sibu Beauty produces health and beauty products based on premium Himalayan sea buckthorn berry. The 100% natural line contains USDA organic ingredients, no parabens, wheat, gluten, dairy, or yeast. In addition, our products are cruelty-free and have been awarded certification from PETA.

If for some reason after you click "Read More" the widget is not working, you can refresh it once or twice it will usually show up.
If not, email or FB me and I will place entries for you.

Good Luck!~

This giveaway will end on 10/30 at 12:01 am  eastern and the winner will have 48 hours to confirm shipping address before another winner is chosen. The winners name will appear in my Facebook news feed and on this blog post on the Rafflecopter widget!

Disclaimer - I received no monetary pay just product to review for this giveaway!

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