Friday, May 6, 2011


Hi, for those who know me, My name is Casey Colette. I own and operate a blogspot @

I am writing today to ask for your help. I would like you to write a short post about the tornado victims and link my fundraiser to it. My fundraiser will be sponsored thru Yesteryear soaps. I will be having a "party" and a percentage of the money earned will be donated to the recent tornado victims. I feel empathy and concern for these victims. I will be writing a review on yesteryear soaps 4 days before, on the 10th and then will be having a "party" on my blog benefiting the storm victims. ( Saturday May 14th ) Here is how it works:
It will be a one day online e-party for yours/my readers. This is a version of the home party just like Avon or Tupperware, only I host the event online. It's a no pressure, come by anytime approach. They supply my own 'store' . You invite your readers and facebook friends etc. to 'come over'. They can look at the products anytime during the 'party'. Some of the products are even as low as 3.00. If they make a purchase I will get money for the donation fund thru paypal or gift cards. I still haven't figured which would be easier. Probably paypal, although, they will take a percentage of it for themselves.

Yesteryear will handle everything else. They collect the funds from them through a secure credit card transaction and we ship them their product, and they will then mail me a gift card, which I will donate. It's that simple!

Please see my blog post tonight or tomorrow about the tornado (I am in the process of writing it as soon as I get these emails on their happy little way.) if you are interested in seeing videos, pictures, or links about this horrible tragedy.

Now I hate to preach about donating, but we all know most people won't. I do not expect you to help me, but would appreciate it. I would also be willing to "grab your button" and in return also link any giveaway or post in a post on Locomotion of Expressions (plead/tell them about) The reason I am concerned for the situation there, is I know how bad it is. I have family there. I am from there, and haven't been gone many years. Ironically, all these MANY numerous towns that got hit, are my old stomping grounds, and now the landscape of them is forever changed, I feel completely helpless to do anything. I do not have really money to donate. I do have a ton of stuff, but cannot just up and drive the 9 hours with my two kids to take it. I have been desperately seeking a drop off site, or donation center, because I do not want to leave it with just any old thrift store or even salvation army in town. The families here need it, sure.. but not as bad as Alabama victims do. Right now, they need chainsaw sharpeners, chainsaw chains, diapers, formula, feminine products, laundry detergent, among other things, this money would be cheaper to send than a box full of stuff, and I would be sure that it was placed in the right hand(s) to be set in the direction to where it needs to go. Please consider my offer.
Thank you.

I have posted my letter here " " as well, so that anyone who is interested in tweeting it out, or posting a link on facebook, or blogging about it to their readers, may also help.

I do not think people are aware of just how bad it is. Now we have another disaster going down along the Mississippi river. Its scaring me, really to be honest. What is scaring me is this is just the beginning of tornado season , and anyone who lives in that stretch KNOWS how scary and frightening Tornado season is.
As a child, it took years for me to witness the true devastation of a tornado. I was also told to hide, but never knew why. it seemed to me, that it would rain and lightning, but they always hit "other places" Its not real to you until you see it happening somewhere or to someone you know. Not that this is my first experience with it, mind you. I have never lost a house, but have seen the devastation with my own two eyes. I only wish I were there NOW to help.

If you are interested please write back and I will tell you the url of the post and we will work out whatever back scratching or whatever needs to be done. I appreciate your time (if you didn't deleted me already) to read this! ((LOL!!)) and your (hopefully....) prompt response.

Casey Colette

The tornado blog will be written later, as well as I am finishing up the scentsy Ollie the Elephant review and giveaway! I have a lot of blogging to do tonight. I will be too busy to do it tomorrow! :)

Yall have a great night, and keep Alabama the beautiful in your prayers!

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