Wednesday, September 7, 2011

BabyLegs part 2! (For boys too!) Review + Giveaway! ends 9/30 ***CLOSED!!!***

I think Blogger is going to blow up from all the images in this post!

I am not sure your quite ready for the sweetness that will follow.
Again, let me reiterate how sorry I am about the quality of these pictures, but she's so cute- it doesn't really matter. (: She shines through it! 

Heartfelt Baby Socks

I got to do another review for BabyLegs! They are super cute, and I get so many compliments on Devonny's outfits and the tights/socks/warmers when we wear them out in public!

Hearts & Flowers leg warmers

They actually sent me two blogger kits, I think by mistake. But since it was never laid in stone if this was a giveaway or not. I do not know. But if they say that I can giveaway, then I'll be sure to edit this post and throw a RAFFLEcopter in here for them. So, if your a fan of Babylegs (How could you not be?) Then keeps your eyes peeled and you just check back here, and you might be able to win some for your baby.  UPDATE: It is a giveaway! scroll to the bottom to click and enter. Its super easy!

Don't assume if your baby is a boy, that your baby cannot wear these. That is simply not true. In fact, if you look on their website, you will see that the boy designed ones.. are actually way CUTER than the girl's. 

Stripe Heart Baby Socks
With spring around the corner, these serve great for a cooler day, which doesn't require a jacket. They can be used as arm warmers, under T-Shirts, and they actually look like part of the shirt. Or like you layered two shirts, which is a really cute look. Plusas I have said before- they make diaper changes super easy- because you are not wrestling with pants on and off. Protect crawling knees.. man these things have multiple purposes! 

Scandia Leg Warmers

I have done a Babylegs Review (& giveaway!) in the past, and was excited to have the opportunity to do another. When I did the blog for them last time, they were just about to roll out the Hello Kitty Collection. You guys probably don't know-- but that's my FAVE! So naturally to say I was disappointed to not receive them would be the understatement of the year.  Sure, its great to recieve free things in exchange for blogging! But when the manufacturer makes Hello Kitty- of course, you want to be sent that. I told them I liked Hello Kitty too (hint*hint) But it didn't work.

 I don't want to put BabyLegs on blast.. but seriously, I really am interested to know.. 
Who & what they are thinking when they design baby leggings WHITE?!?! 
I am not sure what world that works in, but it's not mine. I have tile. And I am OCD about mopping and sweeping, and they still are ruined by the 2nd wear. It's like they are take and toss. Yes, they sent me white ones last time too! How frustrating. I even blogged last time about what a no-no I considered that to be. Of course it's just my opinion, but they sent them again. I will forgive them though, because they did send me two packages.. but even though she is walking good now (and has been for a while) she is a baby, she still gets down on her hands and knees.... and outside too!  :/ Sighs.

  •  As you can see by all these pictures in this post, they sent me a TON of Babylegs merchandise. You should probably know that Babylegs are extremely affordable.

  • The tights average about 15$ 
  • The socks come two to a package and they are usually 10$.  
  • The Leggings are 12$. 
I really like the tights!! If I had to pick a favorite it would be them  FOR SURE, no questions asked. Look at the striped Grandma's Favorite tights! 

See, maybe some of you don't know this. But we are a military family. We live far away from my mother and she doesn't get to see her grandbabies too often. So basically she has just watched Devonny grow up in pictures on Facebook. So, it was ironic when she saw the picture I uploaded of Devonny in Grandma's Favorite tights, that Grandma thought they were her favoritite. Without knowing that was their name. Too funny, right?

PS- I am sooooo sick of hearing these are only for girls, that couldn't be more untrue! Check out these pics and see if you change your mind.

~I love it!~

Imagine how great these pictures could be, if only I had money to fix my camera! 

Besides their new Fall Collection which is A-DOR-ABLE! Autumn Holiday collection..
They have a forum
& Twitter!/babylegs
Where you can keep up with all things Babylegs!
They have sales all the time too! Keep your eyes peeled!
(Like an onion!)
And we lived Happily EVER After!
~The End!~

* Disclosure* I received product samples to facilitate this review, but no monetary compensation was provided and all opinions contained within this post are 100% my own. Sponsor is responsible for fulfillment of the prizes, but I will expedite communication between the two!

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