Monday, September 26, 2011

Seventh Generation for baby + 10 baby tips

About Seventh Generation for baby.

Hey guys, and good afternoon! As I sit here at my computer and listen to thunder, I can't help but think of being a mom and what it means to me. It means protecting your baby at all costs and always doing what is right for our families and our planet. If you are pregnant and expecting then you know how you worry about every minute detail. I want to share with you some helpful tips and facts. To help you get ready for baby!

 Did you know that diapers can be harmful to our earth and our babies? That's right! They contain chemicals in them that have been known to cause problems in our children's health and our landfills and environmental impact! In fact, I have written about it  before. Seventh Generation's products are really looking out for our children's safety and well being.

Are you an expectant mom preparing for the arrival of a new baby? Chances are you’re focused on finding safe and natural products to use in your home and for your baby.

You will be relieved to find out that Seventh Generations cleaning products are baby-safe, and they even make diapers and wipes too! Their diapers and wipes are called "Free & Clear". They make baby-care products that include diapers, wipes and baby liquid laundry detergent. Seventh Generation Free & Clear diapers are free of chlorine, latex, fragrances and petroleum-based lotions and come in a range of sizes from newborn to stage 6. I have reviewed the diapers before, and they never caused a rash/irritation. They didn't use all those inks/dyes/chemicals or fancy unnecessary decorations. They didn't leak, and they certainly held a lot. Seventh Generation’s soft, cloth-like Free & Clear Baby Wipes are free of alcohol, synthetic dyes and fragrances and whitened without chemicals containing chlorine, as are their diapers. So they have a slightly off white/tan color. The diapers and the wipes do actually! But that is just a reminder that we are doing our part. The ingredient that is in other diapers and wipes that makes them white, also makes them questionable! I still remember the first time I saw Seventh Generations product was at my local health food store. The first product I tried by them was a kitchen counter spray! But they have been around for a while now, actually since 1988! But I "discovered" them in 2005. So long after, really. They are so mainstream now even Wal*Mart carries them!

Seventh Generation wants to help make your home and our planet a better place for you and your baby.

Today I also want to share with you ten tips for preparing your home for your new baby’s arrival!
1. First of all, you definitely need to get the dust out of your house. A baby's small lungs can't deal with that!

2. That would also mean: cleaning the carpet, but I recommend replacing it.

3. Stop using fragrances, candles and air fresheners.

4. Get your car ready- check to make sure your car seat is not too old. Most people do not know that car seats have an expiration date on one of the manufacturer labels that can be found on the sides or bottom of the car.

5. Start by taking all tiny toys away (for a few years actually) from the older kids.. so they don't forget and accidentally leave them lying around. This means Littlest Pet Shop and Squinkies, toy cars with tiny wheels, Barbie shoes, Bratz feet and all that fun stuff and all those fads too! 

6. Make sure you stock up on healthy cleaning products. Start by checking them out and seeing which ones are within your budget and that you like. Try a few. Definitely check out Seventh Generations line of products for the home!

She's smiling!
 7.  Even though your baby will not be walking or crawling for a while, you will be overwhelmed with taking care of her or him. Best to go ahead and baby-proof the house now. Talk to friends and family to get them to come help clean and cook before and after baby arrives. Don't overwhelm yourself. 

8. Have you switched to cleaning products made with natural ingredients? Again, seventh generation is the best! 

9. Make sure the crib is ready for baby. It has been proven that SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) is linked to stuffed toys, blankets and crib bumpers and sleep positioners. But even still, it is not common knowledge. It's best to not have anything in the crib except a sheet and the baby until the baby is at least 9 months old. I'd recommend older than 1 year. It's tempting and pretty, and you might even think, "No blanket for the baby!" *gasps!* But as long as they are dressed warmly in a sleeper, they should be fine!

10. Get batteries for the nursery and extra batteries. Most crib mobiles use D batteries. They are very expensive and get ran through pretty fast. Either stock up now.. or find interactive crib toys that don't take batteries. (Believe it or not, they do still make them!)
Speaking of batteries.. when you have your baby shower, be smart. If you are already stocked like I was, have a diaper shower. I did this with both of my children (half because I didn't want to have a ton of returns and half because I was so well stocked already!) I told everyone do not bring me clothes and toys. I need diapers and wipes! With both of my children I ended up with numerous boxes of diapers (in all sizes) and didn't have to buy them for either until they were 8 months old. I'm serious. Your guests like it because it's easy and cheap. Best part is, if they are the wrong size; you can take them back to Wal-Mart when you go for your regular shopping trip. (So long as they carry that brand) They will even take them if they are torn or 1 is gone. Just tell them they are the wrong size and you need to exchange them!
Speaking of the diaper/wipe party.. I wish I had thought to change it to a diaper/wipe/battery party! Almost all kids and babies toys take batteries and replacing them is super expensive. You could ask for those for your nursery too!

I hope this helps some of you new moms!
Looking forward to our new addition as well!

About Seventh Generation
Seventh Generation is the nation’s leading brand of household and personal care products that help protect human health and the environment.  Established in 1988, the Burlington, Vermont based company remains an independent, privately-held company distributing products to natural food stores, supermarkets, mass merchants, and online retailers across the United States and Canada.

* Disclosure* I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Seventh Generation blogging program, for a gift card worth $50. For more information on how you can participate, click here.” (make sure you link to

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