Don't you just love to be comfortable? What is more comfortable than walking around in a pair of cheap scrubs? I happened across a box of them as a teenager that were a few sizes too big. Somebody didn't want them. Their loss is my gain. But with scrubs it doesn't matter, the bigger they are, actually- the more comfortable they are anyway! They are roomy, thin and breathable. They make for great lounge wear during the summer! I must've worn those scrubs everywhere. You can pair the scrub pants with a cute T-Shirt. It's kind-of sexy! A girl so confident she doesn't have to try hard, you know?

You buy nursing scrubs online.. you don't have to be a health care professional to buy them or wear them. But if you do need a uniform , look no farther.  And you will find some really cute ones.. at really good prices! The ones I had were the ugly doctor blue color, and I rocked them still. The way hey hug on your curves, but you can still cover up (unshaven legs?) without looking prudish! Lets say you have to run to the store .. would you rather go wearing scrubs, or sweatpants?

I found a website that sells them too, its Blue Sky Scrubs! What I think is super neat is: they also have scrubs for kids! Too cute! This would've came in handy last year on "career day" when I went to 4 different schools looking for doctor costume scrubs for kids. Your child would look so cute in these, and they would be comfortable. Did I mention how durable they are? Also there is scrubs for babies! Loving this site! You should definitely check it out!