Tuesday, July 19, 2011

The reasons why I am weird and only eat organic meat...

I know some of my neighbors know I am super weird about meat. It is not something I am used to ... yet. For instance, the first time my daughter spent the night at the neighbors house, she came home the next day and told me she fed her hamburger meat .. I about fell out in the floor! 

Everyone thinks its weird, and you might too. But I do not care. But we only eat grass-fed beef. I purchase all of our organic beef online. It is not cheap but it is worth the peace of mind. You think the meat you buy from the store is OK, but really it's not. Those animals are fed corn diets .. cows aren't supposed to have a diet consisting solely of corn. They want to feed them corn because it makes them fatter faster. It makes them sick. IT CREATES NEW STRAINS OF VIRUSES (That are untreatable and deadly) You might not think its true, but that is because the government doesn't want you to know. I learned about it first from a very interesting influential documentary called Food Inc. I highly suggest you watch it too. 

People say to me, "I have been eating this for years .. and I have never been sick from it." Really? What about all those stomach viruses that go around town? Just because it hasn't killed you or anyone you know, doesn't mean it doesn't or won't happen. If a gun would hold 100 bullets in it, but only had one bullet, would you shoot at your loved ones with it? You might as well if you aren't eating natural beef. The documentary Food Inc addresses all of these issues and it's a real eye opener. You can rent it from Redbox, Blockbuster, or you can even watch it (in segments) on YouTube.
I am participating in a blogger campaign by Bucks2Blog and was
compensated. However, the views and opinions are 100% true and my own.

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