Friday, July 8, 2011 Review! Pics of my Halloween costume! Sailor..

Halloween is arguably one of my most favorite times of year! I cannot help it. Here lately I am getting so old that my friends laugh at me when I tell them I still dress up. In fact, talking of this review with one of my girlfriends, she assumed the costume I got was for Giana or Devonny! No way! ME!  I bought theirs last year on sale at Target the day after Halloween. Alice In Wonderland Costumes. I got Giana and Devonnys one size larger. Got them on sale for 5$ ea. Can't beat that! Giana picked them out. 

Costume Super Center has one almost exactly like it.... actually cuter! Someone remind me in a few months to get Giana some striped tights! Maybe a headband with playing cards on it for Devonny... good idea! Here is the one Costume Super Center sells! (below) And I am loving 's Cheshire Cat costume. The boot covers even come with it!

 I think I will possibly be 80 years old with a cane or a walker giving out candy and all dressed up still. How can you resist the temptation to dress up? Its a perfect excuse to! Plus, all the free candy? This holdiday is definitley up my alley! I have been wanting to dress up as a sailor for a while now, but it seems so cliche. I mean, a submariners wife, in a navy driven town dressed up as a sailor, *yawn!* next .. I know! And that is what has stopped me for a long time now.. but I can't fight it anymore. Ha! Last year, and your about to get a glimpse of just how extremely frugal I am .. I bought a pair of navy women's boots just for this purpose. I was seriously wanting the costume last year, but we just couldn't afford it. If I am going to get one, I am going to go all out, you know? It's just me. It's how I am. I don't like the cheap looking ones, I have expensive tastes. I know, I know, the irony. I just called myself frugal. Its a conundrum. Last year around Halloween, we were saving up for the Buick Enclave, and the girls costumes, plus the candy (I buy the good candy .. I can't be giving out cheap stuff!!) No point in being broke for two weeks. It was out of the question. But I was eyeing them. 

The costume I wore last year, coincidentally, is picture in the images in the bottom left sidebar corner that says, Beth & I, and I have on a mask. I got it from EBay for 15 $ with 5 $ shipping. I did, happen upon these boots, they were seriously awesome.. JMO. They had them on sale for 25$ I begged Noah to let me get them, so I could use them "next year" (this year, of course!) and he did. 
(Mine are the brighter blue pair on the left in the picture below.)
 I also REALLY REALLY REALLY liked these, but like I said, this is why you cannot let me loose with a debit card! But it came down to the fact that heels, slingbacks, and walking around with Giana and Devonny all night, would be super painful. Boots, while also not like walking on a cloud or anything, are comfortable enough for this purpose!
Insert all these sexy costumes.
I also liked dresses that were out of our price range. I am picky about a Halloween costume. Add to the fact that they are all so ... for lack of a batter word- hoochie. I am almost 30 years old and I can't be walking the streets with two little ones with my rump hanging out. ( Yes, you have probably seen it, but somehow it is different..)

In any case, I found the absolute cutest costume - perfect price range for me , and perfect to match my boots, and perfect for my curvy figure, not too revealing. It is awesome! It is made by Sexywear of New York sold on It is called Sassy Sailor (usually 59.99) and you can see it on their website in all the sizes offered of the Sassy Sailor adult costume (I got). What I love most about it, is it is Sailor enough, without being the Classic look. Plus, right now is only 39.99!  I liked some of the others on the site, but they look too much like Lingerie. They are a little short. Great for a Halloween Party (an adult one, with alcoholic drinks and such) but not for walking the streets in! For me anyway! I am so curvy, I would feel super self conscious in the other ones I liked outside. But this one, is snug without being too tight and unflattering, and you can tell it from the image. Plus it has super cute details such as lacing up the thigh a little and the anchors, and I love the nautical red and white stripes, the bright red back pocket, its very unique. Plus the twist they put on it - with the flap .. super cute!  More Navy Costumes? <-- (Click it!)

You love it, don't you? It includes dress, necktie and hat! Here are the links for the other's I considered, which I deemed just too short for me. But still adorable. If only I had an adult party to go to! This will be the first year since I have turned 21, that I do not have one to go to! *Very sad* It has been harder for me in this new town to make friends. The first year we moved here I was pregnant, and slept a year and now I am always home w Devonny. It does make me sad, but if we did have a party to go to, I would for sure, wear one of these! :)

Sexy Navy Paris Sailor Adult Costume Originally 109.99 now 79.99 (My Favorite, but just too short for me!)

If I hadn't already bought the boots, I would seriously be considering this Mermaid costume. Maybe next year? I included the picture of it below! It's definitely not too short! Adorable. Put on a wig and you'd be Ariel. I am sure you would get SO many compliments on this!

CostumeSupercenter's website makes ordering a breeze! Not to mention it also has a handy/useful product recommend-er, at the bottom of each costume, to help you more easily find accessories for that particular costume. I really like the anchor necklace they have, but I already have two. 

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Ready for the pics of me?

What do you think?

My two issues with this outfit. One is in the picture it appears as though she has on a red choker.. but it is 4 feet long.. is it suppose to hang down the front? It looked silly ... does it hang down the back?  ... OK not as silly, but probably won't be worn Halloween night. Then there is this hat.. I do not know what to say about it, other than it bites. I will probably just borrow my husbands for the night, which is such a shame, because the hat has gorgeous details, a red rope threaded through. I really liked the hat! However- it just doesn't sit comfortably or snugly on the head. It is made to sit toward the back of your head, which made my hair look messed up.. it is just not a very good design is all. *Tsk tsk*

Well, that is it, I know Halloween seems like it is still a good bit away, and it is, but time goes by fast. Next thing you know, it will be Halloween, and I'll already have mine.. will you?Don't pay last minute prices .. they are on sale now because it is out of season!  (I assume..) 

This is me sticking my tongue out at you! Good night!

This costume was provided to me, free, for review purposes only, from all opinions contained within this post are 100% mine and not influenced by monetary compensation!

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